Ralgo Beef Cattle Implants are anabolic agent which stimulates weight gain and feed efficiency in cattle. Approved for suckling calves, growing beef cattle, feedlot steers, heifers, and replacement heifers between 1 month of age and weaning.The implants are able to increase weight by as much as 20-35 lbs.Applicator and Replacement needles sold separately.
- One dose implanted SC on the backside of the ear. No withdrawal period prior to slaughter.
- Each dose contains 36 mg (3 pellets) of Zeranol.
- Packaged in cartridges containing 24 doses.
- Do not implant heifers or bulls that will be used for breeding stock, lactating animals, or veal calves.
Use the Ralgun for application of the implants
Click here to read - Put Ralgro® to work for you and your future
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