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Lidoband Castration Bands with Lidocaine
Lidoband Castration Bands with Lidocaine

Lidoband Castration Bands with Lidocaine


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Lidoband, a lidocaine-impregnated elastrator, is designed to address the pain and discomfort from band castration by delivering lidocaine quickly.  Lidoband provides lasting lidocaine effects for the duration of the procedure, managing pain and discomfort to the animal. 

The Lidoband contains 80 mg of lidocaine and a skin permeation enhancer, allowing the anaesthetic to seep from the band into the tissue.  The use of Lidoband delivers lidocaine into scrotal tissues as fast as 2 hours and for up to 42 days. 

Banding rings come in a blister pack. Avoid touching the bands by wearing protective gloves. Use this Stainless Steel Applicator 

Castration is among the most common management procedures performed in the dairy, beef cattle and sheep industries. Castration by banding is simple, bloodless, inexpensive, produces fewer complications and can be performed in a high-throughput manner.

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