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Colorado Serum's Normal Serum - Animal Health Express

Colorado Serum's Normal Serum


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Normal Serum is for use as an aid in non-specific treatment of equine infections and disease conditions.

  • Also recommended for non-specific treatment of haemorrhage, shock following injury, and debilitating conditions for which blood enrichment is desired.
  • Administration provides supplemental equine albumin, globulins, and associated fluids.
  • Contains phenol and thimerosal as preservatives.

Inject subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously, 50ml to 250ml depending upon weight of animal and judgment of veterinarian administering.Repeat doses may be given.

Use multiple sites or IV for large doses.It is recommended to limit injections to no more than 10ml per injection site.

A condition referred to as œserum hepatitis  infrequently occurs in horses.The literature associates this partially with the injection of biologics containing equine serum or tissue.However, efforts to experimentally reproduce such a condition in horses have not been successful.

Colorado Serum