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Y-Tex Brute Insecticide - Animal Health Express
Y-Tex Brute Insecticide - Animal Health Express
Y-Tex Brute Insecticide - Animal Health Express

Y-Tex Brute Insecticide for Cattle and Horses


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Brute Insecticide provides excellent residual control of biting and sucking lice, Gulf Coast ear ticks, and horn flies. Its low-volume application rate reduces product waste from run-off and provides better coverage of the animal. Brute Insecticide - Pour-on can be applied to all cattle, including lactating dairy cows. It is non-systemic and can be used with cattle grub treatments. Activity lasts up to 6 weeks.

Safe for horses too. Read additional information below for directions to use on your horse.

One gallon jug treats 504 head of 500 lb. or 252 head of 1000 lbs. or larger cattle. Available in a 16 oz. or gallon size bottle.


For dirty horses, shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Wear protective gloves or protective application mitt when using as a wipe-on for horses.

Do not treat foals under 12 weeks of age.

16 fl. oz. Container: Apply 3-6 ml per 200 lb. body wt. up to a max. of 30 ml.

Gallon Container: Apply 2.5-5 ml per 166 lb. body wt. up to a max. of 30 ml.


Ready-to-Use Wipe-on

(Preferred method for optimum control of most pest species).

For control of mosquitoes, including those that may transmit equine encephalitis and West Nile virus, black flies, face flies, horn flies, lice and ticks.

Aids in control of stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, house flies, bot flies and eye gnats.

Apply as a whole body wipe with cloth or insecticide application mitt.

For the first application with a new cloth or mitt, apply twice the dosage to charge the application cloth or mitt. Pay special attention to where pests congregate.

  • Face flies and eye gnats - apply to face and around eyes, being careful not to get product in the eyes.
  • Black flies - wipe the inside of the ears, under chin, throat and midline of belly.
  • Stable flies - wipe legs, lower shoulders and belly.
  • Bot flies - wipe under chin, throat, chest and legs.

Ready-to-Use Pour-on.

For control of horn flies.

Apply over withers and down back. Do not apply to horses that will be ridden within 24 hours of application.

Pour-on application may leave an oily residue on the coat of some animals.

Repeat treatment as needed but not more often than once every 7 days.

