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Fluvac Innovator EHV-4/1 - Animal Health Express

Fluvac Innovator EHV-4/1


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Fluvac Innovator EHV-4/1 is for vaccination of healthy horses as an aid in preventing respiratory diseases caused by EHV1 and EHV4 viruses and Equine Influenza due to types A1 and A2 viruses.

Fluvac Innovator EHV-4/1 is for vaccination of healthy horses as an aid in preventing respiratory diseases caused by EHV1 and EHV4 viruses and Equine Influenza due to types A1 and A2 viruses. This is a killed virus vaccine consisting of Equine Herpesvirus.

  • Vaccination before exposure is the best way to combat EIV.8
  • At-risk horses (those less than 6 years of age, senior horses and horses that may be frequently exposed to EIV at outside events) should be vaccinated for EIV every six months.9
  • FLUVAC INNOVATOR is the only vaccine with EIV strain KY/97 that has demonstrated protection against heterologous challenge with EIV strain OH/03.3
  • In a study, FLUVAC INNOVATOR has been shown to be cross-reactive against three newly emerging equine influenza viruses, including Ayrshire 2013 (AY/13) a European Clade 2 isolate, Kentucky 2014 (KY/14), and Texas 2012 (TX/12) recent North American Clade 1 isolates.7
  • FLUVAC INNOVATOR is the only EIV vaccine shown to help protect against clinical signs for seven months against a heterologous, dual-strain challenge.2
  • In addition to helping protect against EIV, FLUVAC INNOVATOR vaccines also contain both EHV-1 and EHV-4 to help protect against rhinopneumonitis.
  • Only INNOVATOR vaccines are adjuvanted with MetaStim ® to help amplify the horse ™s immune response.10,11

The FLUVAC INNOVATOR line of vaccines helps keep your horse healthy and provides him with broad protection against newly emerging and conventional equine influenza virus (EIV) strains as well as equine herpesvirus (EHV-1 and EHV-4)

Click this link to - Listen to more CORE EQ INNOVATOR testimonials from equine veterinarians. Watch this video to help educate and further ensure your knowledge on the importance behind vaccinating against the five potentially fatal core diseases.


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