Fight Bac is a sanitary, effective, and easy-to-use method that helps control mastitis and maintain udder health in dairy cows. One can treats 300 cows.
Fight Bac contains chlorhexidine gluconate 0.4% in a soothing, non-irritating, non-staining base.
Experts agree the single most important procedures in preventing mastitis is proper teat disinfection, and Fight Bac provides several improvements over traditional dipping by:
- Having a spray pattern that clears residual milk from the orfice.
- Allows the active ingredients to reach the opening and enhance the closure of the orfice.
No mixing or preparation is required. No waste, spillage, or dip cups to become contaminated or spread infection.
The upward spraying dispenser never touches the cow so there is no chance of spreading infection from cow to cow. One can treat about 300 cows. Available as a 22 oz can.