Eprinex Pour On controls brown stomach worms, lungworms, small intestinal worms, tail-head mites, horn flies, grubs, and biting and sucking lice all with a season-long guarantee.
Over 105 days,1 Eprinex® (eprinomectin) is proven to pack on an additional 36 pounds per head (P < 0.05) in weaned calves vs. untreated controls. Pour on EPRINEX and increase your gains.
Eprinex Pour On contains no alcohol; it is not hazardous to ship. The new Dial a Dose gun is used with the 2.5 and 5 liters.
DOSAGE: 25 ml. treats a 550 lb. calf. Has no meat withdrawal or milk withholding period.
Available in a 250 ml, 1 liter, 2.5 liter, 5 liter, 10 liter, 20 liter container.